Monday, August 25, 2008

This weeks trip took me to St. Thomas in the Caribbean, first pic is from the hotel room. The camera lens was trying to fog do to the humidity but the weather was nice. This pic for Brant on the center line.

Nancy had her crown put on her tooth today and it went well other than a shot to a nerve. I'm starting vacation this week so we will see what Ill have to post later.

Friday, August 15, 2008

For Kyle

North side of the lake

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This Weeks Trip

Started the trip by Spying on my kids from 34000ft just north of Provo. then continued northwest bound up across Washington State. The weather was awesome and got this shot of Mount Rainier(tallest mountain in the lower 48)

Passing just north of Portage Glacier at around 25000ft with the 10x zoom running, um who's flying the plane again ? Oh well. On with the trip. I thought of taking the train while I was there but it just didn't seem worth it as the track was so short. :)

And For those of you who are food connoisseurs here's dinner coming home Yum Yum. I did have 2 bites before the pic. Ham and Cheese sandwich chocolate chip cookies and cheese and crackers.

Till next time ! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Untill my next Trip

OK this is for K & A and they know who they are. These are my new shoes, don't they look great ! first pair reg price second pair half off. They make my feet look big, But Wait they are big, oh well :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

OK this is the new camera I got today. Hopefully I will learn to use it fast. You Have competition now Kristen. :)

Giving it a try

Well I was going to wait for a camera but that hasn't happened yet so here I am just writing.
I need advice on the best bang for the buck on a pocket digital camera, so send me any thoughts on that so I can get going with all this blog stuff. I did find a good link for comparing tho. The link is