Monday, October 13, 2008

Southern Flying

This Weeks trip took me deep south to Buenos Aires Argentina......
see map below :) About 5000 miles

.... This is sunrise over the Amazon Jungle on the way south.

There are very few lights to see but just a vast darkness

other than the fires from the slash and burn that happens there.

As per my normal routine I took a pic of my room there to let

you get a fill for what it is like. There pretty good by most

standards I see in Europe and around the world.

This is a pic out my room window. As you can see the old

architecture is still there. The old building you see is an

old church tipical of the area. The standard thing there is everyone is late everywhere, if you have a party to go to and it starts at 8pm no one shows up untill 9pm. What I see in most of the places I go are people just trying to live life the best they can and be happy with what they have and who they are. Perhaps we need to do the same and just be thankful we live in a place where we are blessed to have more comforts than anyplace on Earth that i've been too.


Harrison - Party of Four! said...

Hey, we were in the south recently, too. Except not THAT south.

P.S. I like that map you show your travels on. -K

Kyle and Amanda said...

I like the maps and the pics as well! I agree with you though. I feel that sometimes we forget to be grateful for what we have because we are too busy thinking about what they don't have. We truly have so many blessing to be thankful for.

Harrison - Party of Four! said...

Joy in the Journey eh, :) isn't that the truth, nothing like a sunrise to do that for ya. Some how as a pilot I've seen more sunrises than I had my whole life combined. And each one is just really kind of cool, everytime.